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Speed Magic Cloud (Quest) | [Back]
Wymagania: PACC
Ilość osób: 2+
Planeta: Baltra
Nagroda: Speed Magic Cloud
1. Lecimy na wyspę "Baltra" (NPC Teleport Machine)
2. Idziemy do wskazanego punktu (potrzebna łopata / AIO)
3. Po zejściu w dół idziemy dalej wg wskazań
4. Idziemy pod drzwi wejścia na quest, i rozmawiamy z NPC aby móc wejść
5. Rozmowa z NPC Cloud Quest:
Cloud Quest: Hello Player. mission or go
Player [700]: mission
Cloud Quest: I have a mission for you ...
Cloud Quest: will not be easy, you want to try?
Player [700]: yes
Cloud Quest: You get the most blood out of Legdic... You will need for that special bottle, to use on the corpse monster!.
Cloud Quest: (bottles added to your inventory) (If you done the missions write second)
- Otrzymujemy 'special bottle' (35x) który musimy używać na ciałach zabitego potwora: Legdic Player [700]: mission
Cloud Quest: I have a mission for you ...
Cloud Quest: will not be easy, you want to try?
Player [700]: yes
Cloud Quest: You get the most blood out of Legdic... You will need for that special bottle, to use on the corpse monster!.
Cloud Quest: (bottles added to your inventory) (If you done the missions write second)
* po uzyciu special bottle na ciele potwora mamy szanse zdobyć: 'Special Bottle with Legdic blood'. (musimy tego zdobyć 35x tyle ile pustych butelek otrzymaliśmy)
6. Wracamy do NPC Cloud Quest i rozmawiamy z nim:
Cloud Quest: Hello Player. mission or go
Player [701]: second
Cloud Quest: You have something for me?
Player [701]: yes
Cloud Quest: Great, now the next mission...
Cloud Quest: You get the most blood out of Wheelo... You will need for that special bottle, to use on the corpse monster!.
Cloud Quest: (bottles added to your inventory) (If you done the missions write third)
- Robimy to samo co wyżej z tym że na ciele potwora WheeloPlayer [701]: second
Cloud Quest: You have something for me?
Player [701]: yes
Cloud Quest: Great, now the next mission...
Cloud Quest: You get the most blood out of Wheelo... You will need for that special bottle, to use on the corpse monster!.
Cloud Quest: (bottles added to your inventory) (If you done the missions write third)
7. Znów wracamy do NPC Cloud Quest i rozmawiamy z nim:
Cloud Quest: Hello Player. mission or go
Player [701]: third
Cloud Quest: You have something for me?
Player [701]: yes
Cloud Quest: Great, now the next mission...
Cloud Quest: You must perform 4 tasks in NPC Death Master. (If you done the missions write done)
Player [701]: third
Cloud Quest: You have something for me?
Player [701]: yes
Cloud Quest: Great, now the next mission...
Cloud Quest: You must perform 4 tasks in NPC Death Master. (If you done the missions write done)
8. Jeśli nie robilismy tasków u NPC Death Master (city center) musimy je wykonać min. do 1 poziomu (4 taski)
- po zrobiemu, ew jeśli juz je mamy done piszemy z NPC:
Cloud Quest: Hello Player. mission or go
Player [701]: done
Cloud Quest: Perform all the tasks??
Player [701]: yes
Cloud Quest: Ok, good luck.
* od teraz aby wejśc przez drzwi piszemy do NPC HI > GO > YESPlayer [701]: done
Cloud Quest: Perform all the tasks??
Player [701]: yes
Cloud Quest: Ok, good luck.
9. Jeśli mamy min 2 graczy wchodzimy na kratki i ciągniemy za dźwignię:
10. W quest roomie czaka nas rozwalenie kilku "Stone Wall", "(Q) Legdic", "(Q) Evil Wheelo", "(Q) Li Shenron", "(Q) Fury Tapion"
11. Dochodzimy do konca i czaka nas przejście przez kratki:
- złe wejście na kratke teleportuje nas do pokoju obok i respi losowego potwora z (Q)
12. Zdjęcie do przejścia połowy (reszta nalezy do was)
13. Po przejściu mapy wchodzimy w Teleport i tam czaka na nas skrzynka z Speed Magic Cloud
- Aktywna chmurka daje Speed ale uniemożliwia rzucanie spelli